operation safe driver week 2024

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection, England Carrier Services.

From 2018 – 2022, the number of fatalities on the road rose 16%. In 2022 alone, 42,795 fatal crashes claimed motorist lives. In response to the dire epidemic of vehicle-related fatalities, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) created Operation Safe Driver Week 2024.   What is Operation Safe Driver Week 2024? Operation Safe Driver Week… Read more »

The 2024 hurricane season is projected to be especially severe. Stay current, stay equipped, and stay safe this hurricane season.

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

The NOAA recently shared “Life-saving information” about a stronger-than-normal hurricane season. From June 1 to November 30, the NOAA predicts an 85% chance of an above-normal season, a 10% chance of a regular season, and a 5% chance of a below-normal season.   Image courtesy of the NOAA. In addition to the dangers to safety… Read more »

how to grow a trucking company

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection, England Carrier Services.

Today, there are more than 750,000 active motor carriers in the United States. Of those carriers, 95.8% have ten or fewer trucks. 99.7% have fewer than 100. In a competitive, volatile, and ever-evolving market, growing a successful trucking company can feel challenging. Even when established, maintaining your earned growth can be even more difficult. C.R…. Read more »

mental health and trucking

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection, England Carrier Services.

If you struggle with loneliness in trucking, you’re not alone. Loneliness is prevalent issue in mental health and trucking. In a survey of several hundred truckers, 27.9% reported a severe struggle with loneliness. Additionally, 26.9% reported feeling depressed, 20.6% struggle sleeping, and 14.5% battle with anxiety. These numbers are tragic. Loneliness is a very real… Read more »

what is a freight agent

Posted & filed under Authorized Agents.

In the logistics world, there are endless hats to be worn to keep the supply chain running. Many of those hats are worn by freight brokers. But what is a freight agent? Freight brokers act as a kind of ‘matchmaker’ for shippers and transportation companies. By negotiating rates and identifying the right carrier for the… Read more »

best semi truck tires

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection, England Carrier Services.

Eighteen wheels make for a lot of tires. Between steer, drive, trailer, all position, and endless tire brands, finding the best semi-truck tires can feel impossible. Over decades of providing clients with semi-truck tires, England Carrier Services has evaluated dozens of tires for durability, fuel efficiency, grip, and overall performance. According to these categories, many… Read more »

Being aware of common freight scams as a freight agent is important to protect yourself as well as clients and carriers from bad actors.

Posted & filed under Authorized Agents.

It has been estimated that fraud costs the transportation industry one billion dollars each year. To avoid costly interactions with scammers, it is vital for freight agents to be aware of common freight scams and best practices for dealing with suspicious situations. Being knowledgeable and watching for warning signs are the best ways to stop… Read more »

CVSA Roadcheck 2024

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection, England Carrier Services.

With the CVSA Roadcheck 2024 only two weeks away (May 14-16), carriers are moving urgently to prepare their rigs for inspection. This year’s focus is on tractor protection systems and alcohol and controlled substance possession. With cargo theft rising at an alarming rate, the inspection will serve as a welcome opportunity for carriers to avoid… Read more »

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection, England Carrier Services.

Freight factoring is an essential part of a carrier’s toolkit. Without factoring, your ability to take on new business is drastically reduced. So why are there so many myths about factoring for truckers in 2024? Whatever reason they’ve come about, we’re here to set them straight. But first…   What is Freight Factoring for Truckers?… Read more »