Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

Because one trucker decided to make the call on a suspicious vehicle, 31 offenders were convicted, a 13-state child trafficking ring was shut down, and 7 children were rescued. The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance hosts an annual Human Trafficking Awareness Initiative to provide truckers with the tools they need to help put a stop to… Read more »

England Logistics ships millions of pounds of holiday trees each year and can provide access to needed capacity during the busy season.

Posted & filed under Full Truckload, Shippers.

The holiday season comes with a variety of traditions that many consider essential to getting in the holiday spirit. Traditional music, food, gift-giving, and decorations appropriate for the holiday are an important part of celebrations in many cultures worldwide. In the United States, many consider the holiday season to last from October to the end… Read more »

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

Imagine that you’re hauling a load down the busy streets of Chicago. As an overpass approaches, you notice that the gap between your trailer and the pass looks tight, but an official-looking individual in a vest motions for you to continue. You heed their command and scrape your trailer across the underside of the overpass…. Read more »

In this week's Carrier Connection, we cover some ways to save $500 a month for your trucking business! Keep your bottom line trimmed.

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

The last few years have taken truckers on a ride. The trucker boom flooded the market with hopeful carriers looking to make a load, but few have been able to stick it through the long haul. In the aftermath of a volatile market, truckers are looking to stretch their dollars as far as possible to… Read more »

Week after week, month after month, Carrier Connection strives to provide truckers with information they’ll actually use.

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

Week after week, month after month, Carrier Connection strives to provide truckers with information they’ll actually use. Covering industry events, trucking lifestyle, and business expansion tips, each article is crafted to help truckers succeed. Carrier Connection has grown over the years to an audience of over 60,000 truckers. To celebrate the growth of Carrier Connection,… Read more »

Organization, communication and freight management are all important and technology provides tools for these to enhance client relationships.

Posted & filed under Authorized Agents.

Building client relationships is essential to a successful business which means it is vital to have the right tools for the job. Technology can help get you equipped to serve your clients with tools geared toward organization, communication, and freight management all at your fingertips. Using these resources can help you to increase efficiency and… Read more »

In August, the CVSA conducted 18,875 commercial motor vehicle inspections for Brake Safety Week. The CVSA brake check results are telling

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

In August, the CVSA conducted 18,875 commercial motor vehicle inspections for Brake Safety Week. The results are telling. This year’s emphasis was on brake lining and pad compliance. Inspectors made a careful evaluation of the following defects: Missing or contaminated parts Air leaks Air brake depressurizing Spring brake malfunctions …and more. After a week of… Read more »

Many truckers miss out on deductions related to tires. Here is what you need to know about tax deductions on tires in 2023.

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

Trucking has some major perks: The freedom, the views, and the tax deductions, to name a few. Fortunately for truckers on a budget, most everyday trucking expenses, including tires, are tax deductible. Many truckers are aware that deductions can be made on their tire spending. Still, many haulers miss out on deductions related to tire… Read more »

When considering whether automation or human client service is superior, it’s important to consider the strengths of each.

Posted & filed under Full Truckload, Shippers.

As technology and AI continue on their conquest of world domination, many consumers have experienced fantastic benefits—and some frustrations. It’s nice to have chatbots provide instant answers to common questions, but you would hate to see Carly, who has never even once messed up your quintuple-shot espresso from Starbucks, be replaced by a robot. When… Read more »

Winter tires have been saving lives ever since they were introduced, but only some carriers know that winter tires can also save you money.

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

It’s no secret that winter tires are much safer during snowy months, but did you know that Germany even made them mandatory in 2005 for their overwhelming benefits? In the three years following the mandate, injuries from collisions dropped over 50%! Winter tires have been saving lives ever since they were introduced, but only some… Read more »