Sam is one of our logistics coaches who is dedicated to helping develop his team. Check out his Team Member Spotlight!

Posted & filed under Culture.

The allure of success can cause many to be endlessly hungry, always chasing their next big ambition, but never quite filled. In my conversation with Sam, I sensed something different. In his descriptions of success, there was a certain fulfillment that accompanied his work. In his quest to help others, improve one percent every day,… Read more »

From avoiding scams to shipping during produce season, these blogs have plenty of tips to help keep you moving.

Posted & filed under England Carrier Services, Shippers.

Staying safe and planning for the future are two important topics in this month’s blog roundup. From avoiding scams to shipping during produce season, these blogs have plenty of tips to help keep you moving.   Catching Scammers 3 Times Truckers Stopped Fraud  Scams can come in all shapes and sizes. They can happen over… Read more »

To help prepare you for emergency situations, we’ve compiled eight suggestions for common emergencies to help you be prepared.

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

A famous adage goes something like, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” In an emergency, a failure to prepare could mean tragedy. As a valued carrier, your safety is essential. To help prepare you for the worst, we’ve compiled eight suggestions for common emergencies to help you be prepared. Though these suggestions… Read more »

Keeping track of rapidly changing freight market trends can be complicated, but with these resources, staying informed can be easy.

Posted & filed under Authorized Agents.

<img id=”ccblogtrack” class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-12456″ src=”” alt=”” / In a constantly changing market, it is essential to keep up to date. Being aware of freight market trends can help you grow your business and better serve your clients. Searching for market information can seem overwhelming, but these strategies can help make the process easy.  … Read more »

Sustainability in trucking can save your business by reducing idling, preventing deadhead miles, and keeping your tires inflated.

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

Many truckers love their job for the beauty of the open road. But, as more roads are built and more trucks fill those roads, increasing emissions have begun to threaten the beauty that attracted so many truckers in the first place. As the world gets bigger and faster, the demand for trucking continues to grow—by… Read more »

This blog roundup covers the example of one of our team members, difficult conversations, and understanding unique qualities of your team.

Posted & filed under Culture.

This month’s blog roundup covers pursuing growth, gratitude, and success, whether through the example of one of our team members, difficult conversations, or understanding the unique qualities of your team.   Team Member Spotlight Malani Malani, England Logistics’ supervisor of payroll and HR administrator, brings passion and a positive outlook to work with her. Outside… Read more »

To help you stay safe and prevent a potential suspension, here are the details for the 2023 CVSA Roadcheck.

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

The CVSA Roadcheck is an annual safety enforcement event that includes a high volume of carrier inspections in Canada, the US and Mexico. This year, the Roadcheck will be held May 16 – 18, emphasizing anti-lock braking systems (ABS) and cargo securement. It’s important to be prepared for the Roadcheck: If a carrier fails an… Read more »

team member spotlight

Posted & filed under Culture.

England Logistics has been blessed with an abundance of a rare breed: a collection of optimists that see good and do good. Darrin is an excellent embodiment of this archetype: Rather than see the world as an untamable force to flee from, Darrin chisels through it: He creates art from difficulty, calls on his talents… Read more »

Here are a few options for a clean rig to help you explore the most affordable, easiest, and thorough way to wash your trucks.

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

Coming out of a historically wet winter, your truck has braved more than its share of storms… and it may be dirty enough to show it. As spring cleaning season approaches, keeping your truck clean may be more important than ever. All that grime from a season of slush can accumulate, soiling your ride and… Read more »

To honor carriers that have inspired us with their commitment to outstanding service, we distribute the annual Carrier Achievement Awards.

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

How do you define a hero? If your definition of a hero is an individual that helps for a living, does so despite the sacrifices, and others depend upon for their very survival… then truckers are superheroes. Carriers transport a lot of precious cargo. Whether in a flatbed or a car seat, you’ve carried the… Read more »