team member spotlight

Posted & filed under Culture.

England Logistics has been blessed with an abundance of a rare breed: a collection of optimists that see good and do good. Darrin is an excellent embodiment of this archetype: Rather than see the world as an untamable force to flee from, Darrin chisels through it: He creates art from difficulty, calls on his talents to move forward, and, of course, inspires others along the way.

With such an opportunistic attitude, Darrin sculpts his way through life’s challenges while becoming stronger and leaving a beautiful legacy.

Darrin joined England Logistics as a business development manager in October, 2021. After completing a rapid series of promotions from account manager I to account managers II and III, Darrin was promoted to senior account manager in October of 2022. Get to know him in this team member spotlight!

EL: Thanks again for sitting down with us, Darrin. It’s always an honor to interview any team member, but Darrin, you’re an individual I’ve heard about for your charisma and kind nature. Talk to me about your current position and responsibilities.

Darrin: Absolutely. I am a senior account manager, part of our cold chain team here in Atlanta, GA. Most of my responsibility is overseeing multiple accounts on a senior level for all the chilled and frozen products. We have some major companies that I ship with weekly. I’m also considering bringing new customers to advance our cold chain operations here.

I started as a business development manager and was promoted to senior account manager within a year. During that time, building a great business book was just a matter. I’ve had excellent training here, and I love it. My senior account manager role was a high bar for me to hit. I’m grateful I accomplished that.

EL: That’s awesome–anybody that knows anything about that process knows it’s quite an accomplishment. There’s a lot that must go right. It’s admirable that you’ve forged such a strong career path here. What are some of your values that harmonize with those of England Logistics?

Darrin: Right off the bat, I noticed that this is a family environment. After meeting my coach, Ben, and some other guys here in Atlanta, I knew this would be an excellent place for me. Because the atmosphere is relaxed and I can be myself, I wanted to stay here. I also saw how I might be able to help.

Once I started bringing on new customers, it helped me to have confidence that I could stay here and build a career within EL. I’ve been told multiple times that I am capable of a path of success. I can’t see myself moving into anything outside of EL. I love it.

EL: I love that you could feel some cultural belonging and that it was easy for you to start contributing. I would love to hear about your passions outside of work. What drives you?

Darrin: So I have a passion for music. Some people don’t know that I love music. I listen to music, and I create music. That’s my thing. I’m also a lowkey photographer, so I’m starting to get into photography. I find both are just creative mind things that help get you thinking about life from a different perspective and explore whatever type of gifts and talents you have. So those are my passions.

EL: That’s beautiful. Do you play an instrument, or what’s your preferred musical medium?

Darrin: The keyboard and drums are my main instruments. A little bit of guitar too. I’ve been playing for a long time since I come from a musical family.

EL: You’re a total rockstar in and out of work! That said, tell me about your proudest accomplishment.

Darrin: My proudest accomplishment is how fast I could promote, especially since I came from a background in technology and needed to gain prior knowledge of the shipping industry. Promoting quickly was a testament to hard work and my leadership and peers. They helped me get promoted rapidly and work at a high level.

And then on the personal side is, of course, establishing a family. I have a wife and kids, and being able to provide for them and watch them get involved with what they love is incredible.

EL: You got every right to be proud, professionally and personally. I assume there will probably be some overlap from your previous question, but what’s your why? What drives you?

Darrin: Yeah, absolutely. I want to figure out everything I can do with all my gifts and find out what they are. So, if there’s a new challenge, say, how can I be the best senior account manager, then that’s a challenge I will meet. I’m going to figure out what it takes to get there.

That also leads to helping my family to advance because now I can be an example to my kids. I want to show them that no matter what you do if you just strive to be the best at it, you will be great no matter where you are.

EL: Love that. I think realizing your potential and helping others realize their potential, at least in my experience, is some of the most fulfilling work you can engage in. So, when are you happiest?

Darrin: I’m happiest when I’m able to resolve a problem. If somebody asks me a question, we can figure out how to fix that issue: I’m most comfortable because it gives a person a spark of life. I love giving people the information they can add to their toolbox for the future. So that’s where I am at my happiest, whether it’s with a customer or whether it’s with a colleague; I just like solving problems.

EL: It is very fulfilling to use your gifts to remove the hurdles of others. I think that’s noble.

Now, something a little less formal: Is there something most people don’t know about you?

Darrin: I love pancakes. Like, I have an absolute love for pancakes or waffles. If you are ever wondering what to get me, it’s pancakes. That’s what I want to eat. I am always thinking about pancakes, sometimes waffles.

EL: Does it ever get morally sticky (pun intended) when you must choose between pancakes and waffles?

Darrin: Definitely, well, I mean, pancakes are a little bit easier to eat, in my opinion. You just cut that sucker in half. There you go. You’re good. Belgian waffles? They’re not my favorite. I’ll take Eggo waffles as a second place, however.

EL: Eggo waffles? I’m with you. I don’t care if they’re freezer trash there. There’s something special about Eggo waffles. Anyway.

Do you have a mantra for life? Besides, ‘Leggo my Eggo’?

Darrin: That’s my first choice. A close second is, “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.” At its essence, that means whatever you think you can do, you can do it. But if you think you can’t, you have already convinced yourself that you can’t. So, my mentality is always that I can. I may not know the answer right now. I may not know how to do it right now, but I will figure it out. That perspective has helped me a lot in life, professionally and personally.

EL: Yeah, everything is way more possible once we believe that it is. I agree with that and feel that. You’ve got so much good going for you, so where do you want to go from here? What are your plans?

Darrin: Well, I’d like leadership to be the next step. I know that there’s much information that I’ve learned so far here in this role as a senior account manager, and I love teaching, so I think passing on that information will be the next step. What exact step of leadership is that? I don’t know right now, but I’m confident that I’ll be able to find something within EL to move into a leadership role, so that’s the next step. I’d love to help my team accomplish their goals.

EL: We’re given all that you’ve shared with me. That seems incredibly likely.

The England Carrier Services (ECS) division offers various services for carriers ranging from maintenance to support. As ECS members, carriers have access to nationwide discounts on fuel and tires from dedicated team members committed to finding the best price. ECS also provides factoring services with benefits such as same-day funding to a bank account or fuel card. These options allow carriers the freedom to focus on growing their business while saving time and money.