virtual success staying focused work from home

Posted & filed under Culture.

Picture this: You’re on a virtual meeting call at home. You want to stay focused, but you also just noticed the Amazon truck pulled up. You don’t even remember what you bought. It is just sitting there on your porch waiting for you to rip it open and bask in the 5 seconds of pure… Read more »

Proactive vs reactive customer service

Posted & filed under Authorized Agents.

In an industry with varying levels of expectations, it’s important to remember that high caliber customer service looks different in the eyes of each customer. One may prefer email while another may favor a call or text. Some may choose quarterly business reviews and others may select weekly updates. However, despite all the differences, there… Read more »

virtual success remote tips work from home

Posted & filed under Culture.

Pre-COVID, we only had a handful of employees that worked from home. This week, I reached out to some of them since they are our “work from home pros” to see what tips they had incorporated to be successful in their roles. Here are three pro-tips that stood out: Have a routine Maintain a consistent… Read more »

How to avoid distracted driving man holding mobile phone

Posted & filed under England Carrier Services.

Did you know that in the U.S. nine people die each day as a result of distracted driving? 80% of all car accidents are caused by distracted driving. 16% of all traffic related fatalities are caused by distracted drivers. The National Safety Council reports that cell phone usage causes 1.6 million car crashes in the… Read more »

Avoid Fraud and Mitigate Risk

Posted & filed under England Carrier Services.

Criminals looking to commit fraud are not new; however, many are taking advantage of the confusion caused by COVID-19. Employers and employees are trying to adapt to different and often challenging work situations that have resulted from the pandemic. This has allowed criminals more opportunity to commit crimes during the confusion. Below are ways to… Read more »

Prevent Cargo Claims how to prevent and solve

Posted & filed under England Carrier Services.

Cargo claims are part of the transportation business and being educated on prevention can help minimize the number of claims that occur. When product goes missing or arrives damaged, the bill of lading (BOL) between the carrier and the shipper has been broken. If this happens, the shipper can then file a claim to recover… Read more »

jo spotlight family

Posted & filed under Culture.

Something remarkable occurs when self-improvement becomes obsessive. Individuals that suffer in stagnation, individuals like Jo, act as the unstoppable tide that raises all boats. Somehow in marching to the sound of her own drum, Jo has successfully raised up an ensemble in her legacy as a leader, further progressing the rhythm of an organization that… Read more »

daniel standing hand in pocket professional

Posted & filed under Culture.

When you’re in the business of interviewing, your demographic is pretty uniform: successful, accomplished, happy people. These individuals speak with charisma, and while being cautious to specify that I don’t refer to arrogance, they typically are able to speak about their accomplishments with ease. Daniel certainly possesses charisma, but when asked to recount his accomplishments,… Read more »

virtual success belief in potential work from home

Posted & filed under Culture.

Do you know how an elephant trainer is able to tame an elephant? The trainer can hold that beautiful and powerful animal captive simply by tying a small rope or chain to their leg. What!? How is that possible? Elephants can weigh upwards of 14,000 lbs. They can pull a tree and all its roots… Read more »

virtual success habits work from home

Posted & filed under Culture.

How are your New Year’s goals going? At this point in the year, most have forgotten about their goals, let alone accomplished them. Goals are hard to maintain. The idea of change can be exciting, but most people aren’t great at the follow through required after the rush wears off. In fact, studies have shown… Read more »