Thank you matters and other customer service skills

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection, England Carrier Services.

Premium customer service draws clients to you faster than any form of advertisement. Aim to provide excellent customer service and build a solid reputation. Once you impress your first clients, they will use you again and refer you to others.


Gather Customer Feedback

Each customer has their preferred communication style and how they wish to receive updates. When you’re regularly communicating with your customers, you have the perfect opportunity to ask them what they expect from you. This simple question can save you hours of wasted time and risks associated with miscommunication at essential times. Once you understand your customer’s needs, you can be more proactive in your communications.


Be Honest and Upfront

Do we shy away from being the bearer of bad news because we fear the consequences? Suppose we choose to avoid sharing bad news with our customers. In that case, we risk a damaged relationship that took months of cultivation and a potential loss of business.

As the familiar saying proclaims, “It’s not if something goes wrong, it’s when something goes wrong.” And when that inevitable time comes, it’s reassuring to work with a proactive partner rather than a reactive one. Such an approach can help preserve working relationships, mitigate those potential losses, and reduce fears.


Go the Extra Mile

Mutually beneficial relationships are built over time and include a foundation of hard work, trust, transparency, and dedication. Consistently being proactive in your customer service is one of the most effective ways to reinforce the commitment between you and the customer.

Although we may not have all the right answers, customers can appreciate our effort in providing a solution to an otherwise unsolved problem. There is power in proactive communication, whether it be an alternative resolution for a truck in transit, a remedy for an upset shipper, or a challenge at the dock.


Remember the Simple Things

First impressions go a long way and are often comprised of basic things. A good attitude and a friendly greeting can get a relationship off on the right foot and bridge potential gaps in customer service. When dealing with challenges, always remain professional. The long-term result of getting upset isn’t worth the short-term emotional relief.

Remember your manners. Please and thank you should be staples of your speech. Your reputation as a good-natured professional will make everyone more eager to take care of your needs at the dock and pretty much everywhere else.

Today’s transportation environment can feel overwhelming. Don’t let it be. Don’t allow space for a reactionary attitude when managing the customer experience. There’s an opportunity to thrive, exceed expectations, and show value in the face of adversity.


The England Carrier Services (ECS) division offers various services for carriers ranging from maintenance to support. As ECS members, carriers have access to nationwide discounts on fuel and tires from dedicated team members committed to finding the best price. ECS also provides factoring services with benefits such as same-day funding to a bank account or fuel card. These options allow carriers the freedom to focus on growing their business while saving time and money.