When you hear the hatch release on the swing doors from your cabin, you’ll know then that the time to prepare for freight theft is over.
Every year, CargoNet and SensiGuard report a giant spike in freight theft around Independence Day (July 1-7). As freight volume ramps up, crooks see an opportunity to make a quick dollar.
To prevent a tragedy, here are a few best practices to help keep you safe during the holiday:
To prevent freight theft, know your freight.
Though thieves are not restricted to any kind of freight, they certainly prefer those stuffed with high-price goods.
If you’re hauling sneakers, electronics, or even baby formula, you may want to take special precautions. This could include a few extra locks, pepper-spray or other deterrents, or even exercising caution with whom you discuss your loads.
Be deliberate about where you port.
When it comes to security, there is huge strength in numbers. Try to park next to other carriers when porting to deter freight theft.
Additionally, strive for well-lit, easily visible ports in public areas. If you can, timing your arrival during daylight can make a giant difference in decreasing your chances of an attack.
Keep your rig clean.
Though not as intuitive, even keeping your rig polished can act as a preventative against freight theft.
Robbers tend to target trucks that appear unkept for a lack of attendance. If you’re keeping your truck in top-shape, it sends a subtle message to the thief that the truck is well-attended.
In the event that you do encounter a would-be pirate, stay calm. Rather than confront the bandits, lock the doors and immediately call 911.
For more tips on keeping your fleet safe from freight theft, check out our full guide here.
Stay safe this holiday truckers!
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