The England Logistics team is made up of focused, committed and downright delightful individuals. As one of the nation’s top freight brokerage firms, our success and reputation are due to the unique skills and personalities that each member of our team contributes. To help you get to know the people behind England Logistics, we are highlighting an employee each month and sharing their story.
England Logistics welcomed Brian to the Supply Chain Management (SCM) team in Detroit, MI over eight years ago. He currently serves as the team’s Senior Manager of Customer Service. Learn more about Brian and his experience at England Logistics!
What brought you to England Logistics?
I was laid off from my job with Chrysler. My brother, who used to work at England Logistics, told me how much he enjoyed it. I didn’t have any transportation experience, but there was an opportunity to start entry level. It’s been a great experience.
How is England Logistics different than other companies you’ve worked for?
The culture is quite different. Everybody’s so friendly and the divisions work well together. I love that we all celebrate together.
What has been your most memorable moment at England Logistics?
Being promoted from a load planner to account manager. I got assigned my first customer, and I continue to work with them.
Which EL core value in COACH Team (Career, Open communication, Accountability, Celebration, Hard work, Team) means the most to you and why?
To me, accountability is the most important. If you’re doing what you’re supposed to do, work hard as a team, and celebrate as a team, then accountability falls into place. Your customers will be happy and the company will be happy.

How does the 2019 theme “Team Up” match your own passions?
One of my passions is coaching high school sports, which is centered around team. I was excited to see our 2019 theme is team up because success isn’t an individual effort. If you only look at it as an individual, you won’t be as successful.
Do you have any advice for new or potential EL employees?
My advice would be to come in with an open mind, learn as much as you can, work as hard as you can and success will come.
What’s your favorite work snack?
I like to buy a big jar of dry-roasted peanuts at Costco.
What do you do for fun?
As I mentioned before, I like to coach. Any time I have an opportunity to coach or mentor, I take advantage of that. I love spending time with my son, whether we’re going to the movies, shooting hoops or playing video games.
What’s your favorite show to binge watch?
I’m a big fan of “Survivor.” Most recently I’ve also been hooked on “Punisher.”
What’s your favorite/dream vacation spot?
My grandfather is from Italy, so I would love to go visit where he’s from.
What inspires you?
I work as hard as I can to be as successful as I can. I get my work ethic from my father, who has inspired me to be successful as I can.

What is your greatest achievement?
My schooling. I have a Master of Business Administration in finance and a Master of Science in management. In high school, I did just as much as I needed to get by, so I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished.
What keyword or motto do you live by?
Successful people go beyond, they push past the pain. My father always preached this to us. Always believe in yourself. Be willing to work harder than the next person. Do what they aren’t willing to do.
What’s your favorite training program at EL?
I was asked to join the Logistics Leadership Council (LLC) about a year ago. It has been such an honor to join that group. They provide great coaching on several important topics.
Interested in working with Brian and the rest of our amazing team? Visit the careers page for current opportunities at England Logistics!