meals for truck drivers on the road

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

The cost of eating out can really stack up when considering meals for truck drivers on the road. Cooking in the cab can be a convenient alternative that saves money and gives you the freedom to eat what you want regardless of where you find yourself.

Here are a few of our favorite recipes to make on the go:


1. Pizza

Who doesn’t love pizza? This recipe from Overdrive Online for chicken alfredo pizza is easy and perfect to make on the go. All you need is an air fryer or toaster oven and 8-10 minutes.

Pizza is so versatile that you can easily change this recipe up to fit your tastes. Veggie, meat lovers, Margherita–the options are endless.


2. Baked Potatoes

Another easy option is baked potatoes. A warm, soft potato is the perfect meal for truck drivers on the road. For this recipe, all you need is a toaster oven, a few potatoes, olive oil and your favorite toppings.

They can take a little longer to cook but are well worth the wait. Add some crumbled bacon and sour cream for the perfect hot meal.


3. Quesadilla

The great thing about a quesadilla is it can be as basic or as complicated as you want. Feeling lazy? Just add cheese to a tortilla and call it a day. This recipe can also be dressed up with the addition of chicken or veggies.

Whatever you prefer to add all you need to do is warm up your ingredients and you have a fresh quesadilla ready to go.


4. Chicken Wraps

No toaster oven or microwave? No problem! This simple recipe can be eaten warm or cold.

Just add some chicken, cheese, cilantro, and ranch to a tortilla and you are good to go!

If you want a crispier exterior, you can grill it on a skillet or in a toaster oven but it really isn’t necessary to enjoy this easy meal.


5. Overnight Oats

Want to meal prep? All you need for this recipe is a few ingredients, a container, and time.

This is a great breakfast option, or it can be eaten any time of day. It just takes a few hours for the oats to soak and then they are ready for the perfect meal for truck drivers on the road.

Overnight oats are quick to put together and easy to make in bulk if you want a couple of meals ready when you want them.

There are endless combinations of flavors you can incorporate and toppings you can try so you can easily make them feel like a new recipe each time you make them.


Get out there and try some of these easy combinations. Cooking on the go can feel tedious or even overwhelming at times. Trying some of these recipes can be a quick way to save money and a convenient hack to always have something to eat.


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