How Has the Average Trucker Changed Over the Years?

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

Not only has the average trucker changed over the years, but so have perceptions about the profession. This blog discusses those changes.

“Trucking ain’t what it used to be.” Is this true? People tend to think that world was a better place when they were younger. In fact, this mentality is so common that it has a name: declinism. Simply put, declinism is the human tendency to see the future pessimistically and the past favorably. Of course,… Read more »

Your Summer Trucking Maintenance Checklist

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To prevent a mid-summer mechanical breakdown, feel free to print this summer trucking maintenance checklist.

Can you imagine running a marathon in the heat with no water, no breaks, and no help? The idea seems so silly—but when summer comes around, truckers subject their rigs to the same kind of torment when they don’t conduct summer maintenance. Summer heat can speed up several varieties of wear and tear on your… Read more »

Trucker’s Guide to Operation Safe Driver Week

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Operation Safe Driver Week will be from July 9-15. The CVSA designates this week to raise awareness for safe-driving habits.

Seasoned truckers know that the Commercial Safety Vehicle Alliance is the driving force behind safety in trucking. The CVSA has deemed July 9-15 as Operation Safe Driver Week to promote its mission to keep truckers safe.   What is Operation Safe Driver Week? Operation Safe Driver Week is an annual effort to raise awareness for… Read more »

Trucker Guide: Record High Traffic on July 4th

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traffic on july 4th

Like the fireworks that will light up the sky, traffic on July 4th is anticipated to be rocketing toward a boom this year. Research from AAA anticipates that 50.7 million Americans will travel more than 50 miles from their home on Independence Day weekend—more than 2.1 million individuals in 2022. For the sake of the… Read more »

5 Tips for Communicating with Dispatchers

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Communicating with Dispatchers

A recent study found that miscommunications cost small companies an average of $420,000 per year. That’s a lot of dough over wasted words. In trucking, communication is everything. If a route isn’t communicated correctly, the results can be wasted time and miles for carriers. To help your trucking company prevent miscommunications and save money, here… Read more »

CVSA Brake Stop: Would You Have Passed?

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At the CVSA brake stop here’s what caused most CVSA officers to pump the brakes for carriers, and what you can do to identify and fix them.

On April 19, 773 carriers in the US, Mexico and Canada had their haul come to a grinding halt for, ironically, bad brakes. In an unannounced brake enforcement event, the CVSA inspected 6,829 commercial motor vehicles to gather brake lining/pad violation data. In all three countries surveyed, more than 1 in 10 carriers were sidelined… Read more »

Emergency Situations Guide: Would You Know What to Do?

Posted & filed under Carrier Connection.

To help prepare you for emergency situations, we’ve compiled eight suggestions for common emergencies to help you be prepared.

A famous adage goes something like, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” In an emergency, a failure to prepare could mean tragedy. As a valued carrier, your safety is essential. To help prepare you for the worst, we’ve compiled eight suggestions for common emergencies to help you be prepared. Though these suggestions… Read more »

Sustainability and Trucking: Practical Tips for Truckers

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Sustainability in trucking can save your business by reducing idling, preventing deadhead miles, and keeping your tires inflated.

Many truckers love their job for the beauty of the open road. But, as more roads are built and more trucks fill those roads, increasing emissions have begun to threaten the beauty that attracted so many truckers in the first place. As the world gets bigger and faster, the demand for trucking continues to grow—by… Read more »