As the impact of COVID-19 increases in severity, our role as members of the transportation industry becomes increasingly significant in maintaining the supply chain. It is imperative at this critical time that necessary supplies and products are being shipped and arriving safe and on-time. Your work as a truck driver is more vital than ever as products and supplies are in high demand in stores across the country. Because of the importance of your role, it is a priority that you stay healthy.
England Carrier Services strives to do our part in keeping you safe, including choosing to work with only those truckstops that share in our goal of keeping drivers healthy. Love’s and TA/Petro have recently shared their undertakings to ensure safe, clean and well-maintained stops. We’d like to review additional ways you can take care of yourself to avoid catching airborne viruses such as the flu and COVID-19.
- Regularly disinfect steering wheels and other areas of your truck that are frequently touched. Here is a list of disinfectants that kill the COVID-19, according to the EPA.
- Take advantage of the safe haven your truck can provide.
- Maintain your distance when stopping for supplies. The World Health Organization recommends a distance of three feet from anyone that is coughing or sneezing.The flu and COVID-19 are spread through respiratory droplets.
- Wash your hands thoroughly, for at least 20 seconds, using soap and water. If soap and water aren’t available, use hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Stay informed. If you’re looking for trusted, up-to-date information we recommend the CDC and WHO
- Seek medical care when needed. If you develop a fever, cold-like symptoms or difficulty breathing, contact your doctor or utilize a telemedicine provider.
We express sincere appreciation for your dedication. As always, our nation functions largely because of your service and we are grateful for you.