Jasmin one of England Logistics' graphic designers. Check out her Team Member Spotlight to learn more about her passion for design!

Posted & filed under Culture.

In the pool of life, some touch the water, leaving ripples of their influence. Others cannonball.

Jasmin is a cannonball.

With explosive energy, Jasmin generates waves of enthusiasm that buoy her peers. While others struggle to paddle upstream, Jasmin is just glad to be swimming.

With a smile on her face and the sun somehow shining wherever she stands, Jasmin continues to make a splash, her influence felt throughout the pool.

Jasmin joined England Logistics in 2022 as a graphic designer. She is happily creating brilliant art in this position.

EL: Jasmin, it’s awesome to sit down with a good friend.

First things first, tell me about your current job responsibilities and how long you’ve been with England Logistics?

Jasmin: Thanks, I’m really happy and excited to be here!

OK, so I am currently the graphic designer for our marketing team here at England Logistics in our Salt Lake City office. My day-to-day involves creating a lot of graphics that you see on our social media, but I share that spotlight with two other team members. They’re the best! When it comes to graphics, I usually do our infographics and carousels. I also create a lot of headers for our Carrier Connection publication, One Initiative blogs, and so on. I also had the honor of creating our Summer Games shirt this year!

I’m about to hit my one-year at EL. It’s so wild, I tell all my team all the time that it doesn’t feel like I’ve been here for a year. I’ve been so comfortable and it’s been so fun!

EL: You have absolutely taken our brand to another level with your creations. I understand you also created all theme posters in the building. Those were a huge hit! What inspired you in creating those posters?

Jasmin: Thank you! That was actually a really fun and challenging project for me. It was my first time creating big wall posters and so just trying to create the right image to represent those quotes was a challenge.

My ultimate goal was to create an image that really spoke to the quote and that made you feel motivated by simply looking at the image. With that, I do have to say my top three favorite ones are the paper origami, the lion, and the chess poster. But truth be told I love them all. They came out great!

EL: Those have turned out awesome. I, personally, am partial to the origami. Those turned out perfect. So aside from just being alive, what are some things outside of work that get you excited?

Jasmin: Well, I’m a very social person. I enjoy being around people so much! Luckily, my fiancé loves me enough to come on my crazy adventures because I love being around family and friends and going hiking, swimming, dancing, playing soccer—anything! But don’t get me wrong, my social battery also runs out. When we have our downtime, we’re all for our shows and movies. We are huge Marvel and Disney fans. We never have a hard time picking a movie or show.

EL: Is there a particular superhero that you two root for?

Jasmin: So superhero-wise, I’m a huge fan of Iron Man and Batman.

EL: Batman is the obvious choice.

Jasmin: Yep, if you’re not a Batman fan, something’s wrong with you because he’s just awesome.

EL: Yeah, he is awesome. It sounds like you’ve got a lot of support. With all these exciting things going on in your life, tell me about some of your proudest accomplishments.

Jasmin: I’m a little shy to say this, but I have 4 degrees. I have my generals degree and my associate degree in computer science, graphic design, and graphic communications.

EL: I cannot overstate how impressive that is. Can you talk to me a little about your journey in graphic design?

Jasmin: So it’s crazy to think now, but when I was going to school for graphic design, I was kind of intimidated by it. When you’re in school for graphic design, they have you follow rules for projects, which I totally understand, but I feel like we get so used to following specific rules that you kind of become a robot.

EL: That’s beautiful! It feels a lot to me like you give so much of yourself to this position. Why do you choose to invest so much heart into your products?

Jasmin: It sometimes comes naturally. I think that’s why people say if you enjoy doing what you love, it will come easier to you. I feel like I don’t need to work hard at giving my all because I love it! What can frustrate me when is when I hit a design wall, but that’s another story. I owe my love of design to my mom. I didn’t know this was something that I even liked or enjoyed, but being a parent , you tend to notice things about your kids. She saw I love designing posters and said to me, “Why don’t you just do that?” At the time, I was in the computer science world and nowhere near design. Eventually, she led me to pursue a knowledge of website design, front and backend.

EL: Wow, there are very few people that can claim that they are able to work the front and back end of a website!

Jasmin: Thanks! Yeah, that’s how it all began. I started to notice all the ties between computer science and design. Eventually, I thought, “Why not go for it? It’s just another door of opportunity for me.”

Eventually, I also realized that with all the tools like Wix or Weebly, people can build their own sites anyway. With a graphic design degree, I was able to find more opportunities while job hunting. So why not?

EL: Wow, it’s awesome to see how much your family played a role in your journey. Throughout this interview, and throughout my time knowing you, you seem like a pretty happy person. I’d love to know, what makes you the happiest?

Jasmin: I just look forward to the moments when I can have family get-togethers. If I’m at the beach with my family and my fiancée—oh, I’m in heaven.

Spending time with those I love and making memories is what’s important to me.

EL: I love to hear how your family lends to your happiness. It’s not easy to find fulfillment in life, but I am so grateful for your uplifting perspective. Given that you have such a unique perspective, I’d love to hear what mantra or motto you live by?

Jasmin: I’m not an expert by any means, but I believe that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes life benefits us and sometimes it doesn’t. Sometimes it’s great and you’re excited, other times it’s hard. That’s just how life is. I’m trying to learn, and I’m still learning, that if you let those moments get to you… you’re not going to get anywhere. You need to learn to grow from each situation. Rather than being sad and negative, we can accept that everything happens for a reason and make good of it.

EL: I feel like that’s a very healthy acceptance: Good or bad, we can make good of whatever is given to us. And so, with such an indestructible perspective, where do you plan to go from here?

Jasmin: I’m not one to plan out a lot of my life because things are always changing. If we ever get so set on our plans, we don’t always take time to realize what we have right now and recognize how far we’ve come.

I just want to enjoy where I am and see where this life takes me. I honestly just feel really excited about where I’m at now.

In my eyes, it’s better to live that way.

EL: It’s refreshing to hear that perspective of contentment. Conclusively, what advice would you give to someone who would like to be in the position that you are now?

Jasmin: Don’t get discouraged when you don’t feel like you’re good enough… because you are. Even if you don’t know that yet, you’ll eventually find the place you’re meant to be. And when you are there, the people around you will help you thrive. I owe a lot of growth in my professional career to my team and to my managers, Chad and Wendy. They’ve been super supportive, and they’ve helped me grow and just become comfortable with my own design skills.

It’s been fun to discover me.


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